Oakbrook Children's Ministry

  • Nursery: newborn - 2.5 years old
    Our nursery is available any time after 9:15am Sunday mornings. We follow a simple curriculum to start introducing kids to God and His word, as well as to follow a routine to help the kids know what to expect while guardians are away. Our nursery also provide a comfortable place to breastfeed.
  • Preschool: 2.5 years old - preK
    Early Elementary: K - 2nd grade
    Elementary: 3rd - 5th grades
    Our preschool and elementary classes start about 10:00am when kids are dismissed from worship. Children can be picked up at their classroom once the service is over.
  • Check-in: Please check your children in before the service. The check-in desk is located by the nursery near the back of the foyer.

Kids' Worship

Kids' Worship is offered during the school year (September - May).
It is an opportunity for kids to worship together with more age-appropriate songs, spend time building community outside of our regular classes, and, during the holidays, to provide time to practice for when the children join with the worship team for special holiday music.

Events & Information

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  • Park & Play Dates!

    Calling all moms (with and without littles) and girlfriends to enjoy a beautiful summer day at the park!

    Tuesday, July 2, 9-11am @ Roe Park (Oshkosh) 

    Monday, August 5, 9-11am @ Jones Park (Oshkosh)

    Drop-in style, so come and go as you need!

    Host: Gretchen Kooiman


    We take children's protection seriously at Oakbrook. Please click on the file below to read our policy in full. Feel free to contact Kasey Herman , our Children's Ministry Director, with any questions or concerns!